Pure Storage FlashBlade//E Certified with Commvault

We’re pleased to share that Pure Storage and Commvault, a leader in data protection solutions, have certified the new FlashBlade//E™ platform with Commvault software.



We are pleased to report that Pure Storage, a leader in all-flash storage platforms, and Commvault, a leader in data protection solutions, have certified the new FlashBlade//E™ platform with Commvault software.

When we look at a cross section of the data created by a typical business—of any size, in any vertical, over the course of any time—we see there are certain facts that become universal:

  • Data growth is exploding: We all have more data. Today’s organizations are using and creating more data from applications, databases, sensors, as well as other sources. 
  • We are data dependent: The business environment has become data-centric. Nearly every aspect of the business world relies on data to operate. In many cases, we see that the data created by the company is the most important asset that the company owns.
  • Not all data is equal: When a disaster strikes, there are certain sets of data and applications the business needs to get back up and running. Those data sets need to be recovered as soon as possible. Everything else, while important, can wait till the lights are back on.  

These universal facts play into why Pure Storage developed the FlashBlade//E line of products.

About FlashBlade//E

FlashBlade//E is a new all-flash capacity-optimized unified file and object storage platform from Pure Storage. It was designed to tackle unstructured data repository workloads that remained on disk-based storage systems until now. This modern storage platform delivers a world-class experience without compromise: simple manageability, massive scalability, unparalleled density, and environmental sustainability—all at an acquisition price comparable to disk-based solutions with a significantly lower long-term cost of ownership.

By delivering a more reliable platform that consumes less space, power, and cooling resources, FlashBlade//E delivers lower operational spend, reduces the need for additional administrative resources, and helps shrink your data center footprint. This results in up to 40% lower total cost of ownership (TCO) over six years in contrast to comparable disk-based systems.

Why Is This Important?

1. Commvault is a leader in this space and great partner

Commvault is redefining data protection. Commvault offers a single, unified platform built to secure, defend, and recover data wherever it lives—on-prem, in the cloud, or spread across a hybrid environment. 

Pure Storage and Commvault provide integrated data protection solutions to help your business achieve the future readiness you need, delivering top-notch performance, reliability, and scalability. With Pure Storage and Commvault, you can expect lower TCO and reduced risk through proactive threat detection, integrated security, and native governance and compliance capabilities. Pure Storage all-flash storage arrays paired with Commvault backup and recovery software provide high-speed data transfer rates, low latency, and uncompromised recovery outcomes across the broadest set of workloads in the industry. Our versatile solutions go beyond just backup and recovery, making your data management more efficient and reducing business risks.

Pure Storage and Commvault have been partnering together for more than a decade, building high-performance, all-flash data protection solutions together with deep integrations that deliver protection, performance, and results across the thousands of all-flash arrays of our mutual customers.

Together, the two companies continue to innovate, integrate, and work together to provide the market with better ways to secure, defend, and recover a customer’s most important asset—their data.

2. The right tool for the right application

By using a tiered resiliency backup schema with FlashBlade//S™ and FlashBlade//E, Commvault customers can create backup policies based on how important their data issending their most important data and workloads (things your business can’t operate without) to the highly performant FlashBlade//S, which delivers near-instant ultra-fast recovery speeds.

For all the non-critical data (things that are important enough to back up but aren’t needed to recover the business back to an operational state), you can use the economically friendly FlashBlade//E as a backup repository. And since FlashBlade//E is all-flash, diskless storage, customers can expect better backup and recovery performance than disk, a smaller footprint, lower energy consumption costs, and higher reliability than disk.  

This strategy means a company can invest in the right storage for the right performance that the business needs to recognize better ROI and TCO for their data protection solution. 

Here’s an analogy to illustrate the value for this scenario:

You could move furniture using a two-seat sports car, but it may make more sense to use a pickup truck instead because it can carry more and doesn’t have a high-performance race car engine. You could use that pickup truck in a race at the racetrack, but the little sports car is going to be the better option since it can go faster, more efficiently than the truck. 

The sports car was designed to go fast and not carry a load of furniture. The pickup truck was designed to carry loads, and while not as fast as the sports car, it’s still plenty fastjust not as fast as the sports car.

FlashBlade//S and FlashBlade//E are similar: FlashBlade//S delivers top performance and near-instant recoveries. FlashBlade//E can store petabytes of backup data and still recover faster than disk. Used together, customers can create tiered resiliency plans to deliver the optimal uptime, storage economics, and achievable recovery objectives that the business needs.       

3. Additional protection against data encryption and destruction

Backup and recovery is all about being able to recover after an outage. 

FlashBlade//E has the ability to create SafeMode™ Snapshots of the backup data. 

Backups protect critical data against common problems such as disasters, data corruption, and accidental deletions. But the latest threat facing corporate data is the threat of ransomware and encryption. When an attack occurs, the best and quickest way to recover from an attack is to recover your backups. Protecting those backups from encryption or destruction is essential to being able to recover after an attack.   

FlashBlade® features SafeMode Snapshots, which are uniquely designed to protect backup metadata. SafeMode Snapshots allow administrators to periodically create read-only snapshots of backup data as immutable secure copies that cannot be deleted by an attacker or administrator. The backup data can be instantly rolled back to any snapshot, preventing malicious or accidental deletion of backup data to enable fast recovery from ransomware attacks and similar events.

Adding SafeMode immutable snapshots to Commvault’s deep, multi-layered security provides an extra level of protection against ransomware and cyberattacks. Together, Pure Storage and Commvault secure and proactively defend customers’ data against these threats and provide accelerated recoverability using the power of flash, creating tiered resiliency to your data protection strategy.

Having a plan in place before an attack happens is imperative to ensure your data can be back online quickly—a core component of having a tiered resiliency plan. When that plan includes the security, scale, and performance of Pure Storage and Commvault, you deliver best-in-class recoverability so your business can become more resilient, drastically reduce downtime and data loss, and save time and money.

Together, Commvault with FlashBlade//S for mission-critical data and workloads and FlashBlade//E for backup and recovery repositories creates a complete end-to-end data protection solution that delivers the performance, security, economics, and recoverability needed for today’s data-centric environments. 

To learn more:

Pure Storage FlashBlade//E product page

Commvault Data Protection Platform page

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