Three Ways to Improve Business Continuity 

Disaster recovery and business continuity go hand in hand. See how three solutions from Pure Storage can help your organization be more agile and more productive.

Three Ways to Improve Business Continuity 

What happens when an unforeseen disaster strikes one of your data centers?  The cost per minute during an outage can range from $100,000 to millions of dollars. During this critical time, you don’t want to be caught without a plan. Business continuity isn’t just a buzzword thrown around in boardrooms or Zoom meetings. It’s a critical business function that aims to create systems of prevention and recovery to deal with operational threats to a company. The goal of business continuity is to enable you to continue operations during the execution of a disaster recovery plan.   

Organizations are under pressure from regulators, consumers, and auditors to address the challenge of making data readily available while keeping it secure. You need to maintain robust data protection, without compromising productivity or geo-flexibility.

In conversations with customers and industry analysts, they share similar needs, including:

  • A flexible hardware architecture for the future: Addressing today’s tactical needs requires a stable hardware architecture on which your business can rely. And the foundation must be flexible so you can implement long-term strategic initiatives over time.
  • Continuous data protection: Protecting critical operational data and workloads from breaches and ransomware attacks is paramount.
  • Managed access: Workforce productivity increases when data and applications are quickly and securely available to the right people at the right time. By working with a team of data experts, you can make your digital transformation initiatives a reality faster. 

Here are three ways Pure Storage® can help you address these concerns and improve business continuity.

EvergreenStorage: Designed for Today, with Flexibility for Tomorrow

 A great data storage plan needs a solid foundation. It has to address your requirements today, without having to overprovision for tomorrow. It should offer flexibility to expand and be able to meet future unknown requirements. Pure Evergreen is that great plan.

 The secret to the success of the Evergreen subscription program lies in the agility of the underlying architecture. You can modularly replace components and upgrade to next-generation hardware, without disruptions or degradations in performance. 

Eliminate the traditional risks associated with forklift upgrades and data migrations. Other storage providers typically require these every three to five years. Evergreen simplifies IT infrastructure upkeep, eliminating the need to repurchase hardware or relicense storage software products and migrate data. Build your storage system for today’s needs, then seamlessly scale it as your data demands grow. 

Continuous Data Protection with ActiveCluster and SafeMode Snapshots

Cyberattacks are on the rise and the damage can be devastating. A ransomware attack cost a Danish company more than£45 million (about $64 million). While the computers were down, the workforce of 35,000 had to use pen and paper. 

Data services such as data reduction, snapshots, and real-time data security are critical to safeguarding data. You also need multi-location synchronous replication that delivers a zero recovery point objective (RPO), plus automatic transparent failover for a zero recovery time objective (RTO). This is no small set of requirements. Yet, it’s what every business continuity plan needs. To add to this already daunting set of services, the system will also need to evolve and grow over time to support new applications and requirements. 

Pure offers the availability, reliability, and performance of either Fibre Channel or Ethernet for ActiveCluster with synchronous replication. ActiveCluster delivers zero RPO and automatic transparent failover for zero RTO. And with SafeMode enabled on Pure FlashArray™, no one can delete snapshots for up to 30 days—not even attackers if they manage to gain admin privileges. 

You can seamlessly manage everything through the Purity operating environment. Purity’s built-in active-active replication is so simple that one person can easily manage multiple data centers, improving data availability and service-level agreement reliability.   

Managed Access with Professional Services

Ultimately, you want a solid IT foundation that’s ready for the future, protects data against attacks, and supports geo-flexibility. This is what it takes to stay competitive. With this foundation, you can focus on applications and their data rather than get bogged down worrying about storage and infrastructure. Employees can be more productive when data and applications are readily and securely available.

All projects, including those for business continuity, can be complex. The Pure Professional Services team provides consulting, workshops, and more to help you plan and execute your projects. Pure Professional Services offers proven and cost-effective methods, processes, and tools. With an industry-leading customer satisfaction rating, Pure can help ensure your project is a success. 

While unforeseen events and the potential for disruption is always out there, dealing with these challenges doesn’t have to be daunting or intimidating. Make sure you develop, document, implement, and regularly test robust disaster recovery and business continuity solutions to keep your users productive and end customers happy, even in the unlikely event of a disaster or outage. Pure is here to help