How much time, effort, and money could your organization save if you had storage that could grow and stay modern? Storage that kept your data stayed in place so that you never had to go through another migration?
With Pure Storage® Evergreen™ Storage, you can upgrade your storage with no downtime and no data migrations. And with Pure Professional Services, you can quickly tap into the benefits of an agile storage infrastructure with our legacy migration services.
Evergreen Storage combines a fully upgradable, expandable, and non-disruptive storage architecture, with an ownership program designed to delight you. The program provides award-winning technical services, all-inclusive array software, and routine software and hardware upgrades. It’s a subscription to innovation that keeps your storage modern and agile. Your data stays in place, eliminating the need for data migrations.
Get Up and Running
While there’s one last migration needed to move to Pure Storage, Pure Professional Services can help you get up and running fast.
To get started, you’ll have an assessment and optimization workshop with our migration experts. In the workshop, you’ll discuss your company’s goals, technology, and current processes so we can assess your current state across multiple legacy storage arrays. We’ll identify where your data is and what it’s connected to. We’ll identify the workloads that will benefit the most from our deduplication and compression algorithms. Based on that information, we create your migration plan, document the proposed methods and procedures in runbooks, and design your test scenarios to ensure there won’t be any surprises. After the workshop, you’ll have a migration plan that reflects your current situation and your business goals.
If you’d like assistance with your migration, Pure offers three tiers of support: Standard, Enhanced, and Advanced. The tier that’s right for you will depend on the scope and complexity of your project. The Standard tier leverages the embedded capability of Purity Migrate within the array, while the Enhanced tier scales this approach by using a dedicated appliance and software. Advanced migrations provide customizable delivery options and the ability to leverage application- or protocol-specific migration capabilities. Migrations of virtual machines, file services, or applications such as Oracle and SQL require specific techniques to ensure a successful outcome. In any tier, we bring the right software, tools, and appliances to do the project right. Our non-disruptive methodology, runbooks, and improved processes minimize any risks during the migration. Our extensive migration process experience will help you get through your unique process as easily and smoothly as possible.
We know your IT landscape can be very complex, which is why we take into account the other technologies you have. You can migrate all, or just part of, your legacy storage to Pure, and we’ll help you navigate the complexity either way. We have expertise on hybrid on-premises/cloud strategies and cloud-native strategies that include solutions such as Azure, AWS, and GCP to name a few. In heterogeneous networks, we can consolidate existing equipment too. Pure Professional Services has you covered, so your migration to Pure goes smoothly and you’re up and running fast.
Choose Pure
When you choose Pure for your last migration, you’re choosing a technology partner with services designed to minimize your migration risks. With Pure and our Professional Services experts, your last migration may also be the easiest one you’ve ever done. In addition, it’ll also establish a long-term relationship that ensures you get the most out of your data and your storage for a Modern Data Experience™.
Learn more about Pure Professional Services and how you can make your next migration your last.
Embracing Pure’s Evergreen™ and Professional Services allows you to modernize your infrastructure seamlessly, with minimal disruption. By integrating Pure’s flexible, non-disruptive solutions, you can enhance your virtualization environment and explore new pathways such as cloud-managed services or modern virtualization with Kubernetes. Evaluate your needs and consider how Pure can streamline your migration while future-proofing your IT strategy.