You Get What You Pay For: How a Unified Data Platform Helps You Save

Data storage is an increasingly critical concern not just for CIOs but also for CFOs. Learn how a modern data storage platform can deliver efficiency, reliability, simplicity, and cost savings.

Unified Data Platform


As data volumes grow exponentially, CFOs are taking a closer look at data storage and how it impacts the company’s balance sheet and its future.


As data volumes grow exponentially, CFOs are taking a closer look at data storage and how it impacts the company’s balance sheet and its future.


For today’s executives, weathering market trends and changes is nothing new. What is new, however, is how they’re facing this change. When you can’t predict where disruption is coming from next, being as flexible and adaptable as possible is how to survive. 

But we’ve hit an inflection point: It’s no longer just about overcoming shifts and economic shocks. There’s a cautious optimism and excitement happening right now, and it’s due largely to the next generation of platforms and services that promise to transform old enterprise IT purchasing models—and businesses—as a whole.

Top Five Ways to Save Costs with a Consistent Data Storage Platform

The Next Big Disruption Is Data

Here’s the thing: Savvy execs actually do know where the next big challenges are coming from. Climate change, colossal data growth, and advancements in AI are top of mind for everyone—for CFOs, this translates to costs associated with data center sprawl, rising energy costs, outdated IT technology, and more. These issues are driving organizations to take a closer look at their current data storage infrastructures and what this technology may mean for their organizations’ bottom line.

Why? As data volumes continue to grow at an exponential rate, storage can no longer be just IT’s concern. It’s a business concern because it can have material financial impact. Why? With AI projects, for example, disjointed, legacy data storage technology has gone from IT nuisance to major hindrance for large-scale business goals and objectives. 

Data Storage Costs Matter to CEOs and CFOs—Not Just CIOs

In recent years, the role of the CFO has shifted from solely accounting-focused to more operations-focused. With a broader understanding of the business, CFOs are better positioned to understand where investments can be made that deliver long-term cost savings—namely, performance and efficiency. In a data-driven business landscape, this means reevaluating the long-term costs of IT infrastructure. 

Data storage isn’t in every executive’s wheelhouse, but it should be. Traditional storage earned its reputation on the balance sheet as a cost center with diminishing returns. CFOs and IT leaders get that but have hit an optimistic inflection point: Modern data storage is rising to the occasion, making it one investment that’s a slam dunk for whatever comes next.

An Investment with Compounding, Long-term Returns

In a report by Boston Consulting Group, 83% of CFOs said that they were able to hit one-time cost targets last year, but more struggled to maintain those savings. It’s not often an IT investment comes along that can deliver long-term savings, but the Pure Storage unified data platform does. 

The returns aren’t just the cost savings, either. The Pure Storage platform sets enterprises up for the future with efficiency, reliability, simplicity, and—best of all—a powerhouse for headline-making innovations, all while addressing five key areas of concern for CFOs and IT leaders alike.

The Pure Storage Platform: A Supply and Demand Model Built for Resilience

So, what’s the key to survival in this time of rapid change? Flexibility. CFOs know this comes down to supply and demand—and the old model isn’t cutting it. Rapid change leads to poor demand signals, which are hard to respond to with a fixed supply. But a flexible supply allows businesses to respond to changing demands—seamlessly, and without waste or overspend. The same is true when it comes to data storage platforms and the myriad workloads, projects, and lines of business they support.

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Costs are ever-changing, but as-a-service models have presented a win-win for finance and IT. The Pure Storage platform and Evergreen® subscription model offer the ultimate flexibility. This isn’t reserved for top-billed technologies, either. Pure Storage allows organizations to run data center operations as lean as their business with repository data storage on all-flash capacity at costs comparable to disk. 

Want to learn more about how to cut operating costs long-term with a cost-effective, all-flash unified data platform? Download the free guide today and discover:

  • How Pure Cloud Block Store™ reduces storage costs by up to 50% versus public cloud storage—a benefit when rising cloud costs over the last few years have ended up on CFO radars
  • How an all-flash, capacity-optimized storage system offers a more economical solution than disk-based storage with acquisition costs under $0.20 per GB 
  • Why Pure Storage technology requires up to 80% less power and space, delivering long-term savings while addressing sustainability goals

How to reduce total cost of ownership by up to 40% over six years—critical when facing inflation and rising costs of storage. A recent report revealed 72% of respondents experienced or were notified of price increases for cloud storage systems of about 30% on average across all categories, forcing organizations to scrutinize future purchases.

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