Meet Pure’s “E-Team”: Delivering Agility and Efficiency

Pure’s Evergreen Team, or E-Team, helps organizations become more agile to meet the demands of their applications and workloads in the most efficient manner possible.


Ensemble action movie plots are simple: Bring together a collection of uniquely talented individuals, combining their skills to take on the most challenging missions. It could be aging ex-spies here on Earth or a group of otherworldly beings with superpowers, you know the drill.

From something as “mundane” as rescuing a judge’s kidnapped daughter from the mafia or recovering stolen unobtainium to save the universe from an apocalyptic event, they always accomplish their goals efficiently, with panache and lots of fun along the way. “If we gotta save the world, then let’s do it with style!”

And so this leads us to the perfect segue, an introduction to Pure Storage’s E-Team. What does the “E” stand for you ask—is it Excellence, Exemplary, or possibly E-mazing? And what is the E-Team’s charter?

The “E” stands for Evergreen. The E-Team is Pure’s Evergreen Team and we’re passionately and absolutely focused on achieving one goal—helping organizations become more agile to meet the demands of their applications and workloads in the most efficient manner possible. Traditional legacy storage is business-limiting and IT resource-burning, with its cycle of acquiring, deploying, and managing…and then painfully rebuying and starting the cycle all over again. This approach is the antithesis of agility.  

In effect, the E-Team’s charter is to help customers seamlessly and efficiently modernize their storage infrastructure, so they can meet any challenge. Easy, right? Yes, actually…because they’re equipped with two proven solutions: Pure’s Evergreen architecture and Evergreen® portfolio of subscriptions.

To help customers achieve IT agility, Pure’s day 1 design philosophy is based on three core tenets that help solve the problems legacy storage has forced on them: 

  • Lighten the load for IT teams by uncomplicating their storage, forever—their job is hard enough.
  • Provide customers with a multi-generational, always-modern storage infrastructure.
  • Deliver seamless scalability to meet application and workload requirements.

We call this approach our Evergreen architecture, and it was designed to enable continuous upgrades of storage controllers (CPUs and DRAM) and flash, both of which improve at a rapid rate, along with every other part of the array, whether backplane, chassis, cables, software—everything. 

The result: zero downtime and uninterrupted access to critical applications and workloads as your Pure Evergreen-architected storage systems are being upgraded. That’s what Pure’s E-Team delivers to customers—an always-evolving infrastructure and the IT agility to respond and stay focused on strategic business objectives. 

This approach runs deep and has been part of our DNA from the start. It enables us to evolve seamlessly to meet customers’ business and IT requirements. And customers around the globe are benefiting from it, with over 50% of the Fortune 500 leveraging Pure’s Evergreen architecture solutions.

But wait, there’s more. By combining the Evergreen architecture with three flexible acquisition models, we’ve created Evergreen subscriptions: Evergreen//Forever™, Evergreen//Flex™, and Evergreen//One™. With this portfolio of subscriptions, Pure offers you the most choice in how you consume and deploy storage that most closely aligns with your operational models. 

Evergreen//Forever: Agility for Traditional Purchases

Pure Storage’s Evergreen//Forever was the industry’s first ownership subscription, giving you IT agility without disruption or rebuys. Combining a traditional storage purchase with a subscription to continuous software and hardware upgrades, it’s still the only proven way to buy your storage once and run it virtually forever, backed by guaranteed zero data loss, no data migration, and power and space efficiency.

Evergreen//Flex: Flexible Subscription Ownership

With Evergreen//Flex, you get a flexible subscription based on storage used while retaining ownership of your infrastructure. Realize increased agility, better utilization, and fleet-wide asset management. Match spend with need more closely, without disruption or rebuys, with zero data loss, no data migrations, and a Pure Storage commitment to pay for customers’ power and rack space costs.

Evergreen//One: The Ultimate Storage Subscription

Evergreen//One provides a single storage service for your data. Gain the economics of public cloud along with the security and resilience of on premises. Subscribe to the capacity, performance, and service level you need—when you need it, and where you need it.

With our Evergreen architecture, a single storage administrator effectively manages 3PB of data. This is our “Lighten the load for IT teams and make it easy for them” tenet in action. Allow Pure’s E-Team to show your team the way to achieve IT and business agility, the Evergreen way. Contact us to discuss how we can help you address your business goals and technology needs with our innovative, agile solutions.