COCC Speeds Financial Relief to Communities

Connecticut-based financial technology cooperative COCC calls Pure Storage a winner in performance, price, reliability, and ROI.

COCC prides itself on being collaborative to the core. The Connecticut-based financial technology cooperative’s structure means that clients and their communities come first.

This was clear when COCC quickly rolled out its digital Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Small Business Administration (SBA) Loan solution. The free Digital SBA PPP Forgiveness app, which helps COCC clients disburse funds quickly to those impacted within their communities, was developed and released within a span of two weeks—by a remote workforce.


The transition to remote work was non-disruptive to both employees and customers, thanks in part to COCC’s corporate virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), which runs on Pure Storage® FlashArray™.

“One of our key differentiators is being able to innovate quickly and release the best products we can to customers,” says Steve Reis, first vice president and chief technology officer at COCC. “Without the performance, reliability, and now security that Pure Storage has given us, I don’t think we would be in the position we are today.”

The Ability to Ramp Up When It’s Needed Most

As a service provider to local and regional banks, COCC is the country’s fastest-growing financial data processing company. Technology plays a key role in its ability to deliver a modern banking experience.

COCC adopted flash storage early on and has since built its data center foundation on Pure Storage to offer more cost-effective, efficient, and reliable as-a-service solutions to its member institutions.

Pure Storage also powers COCC’s hosted Security Operations Center (SOC), alongside Splunk Enterprise. The SOC handles COCC’s internal security needs, as well as security operations for its customers.

“We ingest almost a terabyte of data every day into our Splunk infrastructure across tens of thousands of endpoints,” says Reis. “The combination of Pure Storage and Splunk enables us to search and index extremely quickly and provide answers in a matter of seconds, rather than minutes or longer.”

Security that Goes Above and Beyond

COCC’s backup-as-a-service offering is buoyed by Pure Storage FlashBlade®. Pure’s Rapid Restore functionality provides the next level of expedience and reliability for customers whose backups are stored and replicated across COCC’s data centers.

“We keep copies of our customers’ backups just like a public cloud provider would,” says Reis. “When you’re dealing with customer environments as varied as ours, you face just about every possible scenario—from a deleted file to a corrupted VM—so we restore every day.”

Pure brings security and peace of mind as more organizations become the targets of ransomware attacks. In the event of a ransomware attack, the backup team doesn’t have to learn a whole new way of recovering data—adding to the existing benefits of simplified and streamlined storage management.  

“Our storage requirements have grown six-fold since we purchased our first array in 2014, but our staffing level has remained the same,” says Reis. “In fact, we’ve experienced significant productivity gains because two administrators can oversee storage in addition to performing other tasks.”

With the recent additions of FlashBlade and FlashArray//C, which COCC will use to improve its deep storage capabilities, COCC is well-positioned to continue building on its track record for innovation.   

Pure Storage has always been the winner, in both performance and price. The reliability is bulletproof, and the return on investment is irrefutable.Steve Reis, First VP and CTO, COCC

See how you can simplify and streamline your storage with Pure. Call us at 800-379-7873.