Accelerate Sales with Data-driven Lead Scoring

For sales teams, success hinges not only on leads but also on the quality of those leads. Data-driven lead scoring can help them hone in on the highest-value targets.

Data-driven Lead Scoring

These are the new leads. These are the Glengarry leads. And to you they’re gold…Glengarry Glen Ross

Your sales teams need quality leads. And they need them now.

Leads are the lifeblood of sales teams. They guide efforts and enable reps to drive meaningful conversations versus cold calling and hoping for a bite. The challenge is most raw leads are just that, raw. They deliver only basic information about the prospect and their interests. That leaves a lot of ground for a sales team to cover.

As more leads come in, this issue becomes even more complex because teams must make rapid decisions on which leads to prioritize. Focus on a lead that isn’t ready to buy and you may give a competitor a chance to scoop a lead that’s still sitting in the queue.

Data Science and IT to the Rescue

The good news is that we live in an age of big data. Mountains of information are available to help speed up lead qualification and ranking (e.g., scoring). This includes:

  • Geographic data: Location-based segmentation information
  • Firmographic data: Industry and company segmentation information
  • Demographic data: Persona-specific segmentation information
  • Histographic data: Historical buying information

When properly compiled as part of a lead-scoring pipeline, sales operations teams can transform a simple, stick figure of a lead into a fully formed Marvel hero, complete with emotions for sales teams to tap into. Operations teams can also use AI models to rank leads so sales focuses on opportunities with the highest probability of closing first. The result is a much better experience—and success rate—for sales.

We call this a Modern Data Experience™ for sales and sales operations.

To make it work, you need a high-performance infrastructure. One that:

  • Scales to support additional data sources that enrich leads
  • Supports data mobility across locations based on cost or compliance
  • Delivers low latency so lead delivery meets the “need-it-now” appetite of sales

Pure Storage Solutions for Lead Scoring—Tested In House

At Pure Storage®, we understand the need to deliver high-quality leads to sales teams in real time so they have the best selling experience. And we know what happens if sales isn’t satisfied with how leads are ranked. Which is why our marketing operations, data science, and IT teams are continually collaborating to optimize AI-driven lead-scoring processes so our sales teams are aimed at the highest-value targets.

In this new solution brief on AI-driven lead scoring, we give you the inside look at how we designed our own lead-scoring pipeline built on a hybrid-cloud architecture and Pure solutions.

We hope this gives you unique ideas on how to enhance your own analytics pipelines and demonstrates why you can be confident that Pure Storage is the best platform for data analytics.

Because at Pure, we aren’t just the vendor. We’re also the customer.