
Try Before You Buy: Take the Pure Storage Test Drive

The Pure Test Drive is a lab environment where you can demo the Pure Storage solution platform for FlashArray, Flashblade, Portworx, and Pure Fusion.

take the Pure Test Drive


The Pure Test Drive is a lab environment where you can demo the Pure Storage solution platform for FlashArray, Flashblade, and Portworx.


test drive

noun 1) an act of driving a motor vehicle that one is considering buying, in order to determine its quality.
verb 1) drive (a motor vehicle) to determine its qualities with a view to buying it.

Making a significant buying decision is often nerve-racking and time-consuming. You want to do your research to avoid making a mistake. But with a plethora of information online, it’s often simply too much. Once you’ve waded through it all, you still want to validate your findings with some kind of test—such as a “test drive” in the world of car buying, or a proof of concept (POC) project in the world of IT.

Unfortunately, a POC requires time, focus, and endless patience to corral the various resources needed. It’s become even more complicated as of late with the challenge of procuring POC equipment.

Take Pure for a Spin with a Pure Test Drive

To help address these difficulties, we’ve created the Pure Test Drive, a lab environment where you can demo the Pure Storage solution platform for FlashArray™, FlashBlade®, and Portworx®. Connect remotely, at your convenience, and explore exactly how Pure works to manage data in a modern data world.

You can also demonstrate the system to your colleagues or boss, at any time—with no risk and no commitment. Want to try again? After your initial trial, you can always sign up and get a new voucher for additional time in the demo.

How Do I Take a Pure Test Drive?

Just choose the test drive you’d like to try and you’ll receive an email with a voucher to get started when you’re ready.


Click the link in the invitation email and follow the login instructions to access the demo where you can try the following labs:

Once you’re logged in, a guide (story) on the right-hand side will help you create specific use cases and navigate through the lab with:

  • Step-by-step instructions for configuring certain components
  • Login credentials, an IP address, and other information needed to access the lab
  • Screenshots for further clarity
  • Buttons to simulate keyboard commands and to insert long strings of text to avoid typos
  • A way to display variables that are uniquely associated with a lab instance

Test Drive FlashArray

The FlashArray Test Drive story will guide you through the simplicity of FlashArray, from connecting to the array to generating a workload, and even building synchronous replication with ActiveCluster™. It’s the best way to get hands-on experience with a FlashArray, without any effort, cost, and time needed to set up the hardware yourself.

It’s seriously simple. Connect remotely using your web browser and start to explore:

  • Deploying and managing storage
  • Creating volume groups
  • Connecting to different operating systems
  • vSphere integration
  • Synchronous replication and snapshot protection
  • Monitoring system health

You can also look around the arrays and do other things outside of the story, like create a volume or a vVol, work with the Pure vSphere plugin to set up datastores, and manage the arrays from vSphere.

Test Drive FlashBlade

The FlashBlade demo allows you to test functions including NFS and object stores so you can see the industry’s leading Unified Fast File and Object (UFFO) storage platform* in action. Demo the platform and explore:

  • Deploying and managing storage
  • Tracking the system’s performance and capacity details
  • Configuring and using the NFS and SMB File Systems and Snapshots
  • Configuring and using the Object/S3 Storage
  • Monitoring system health

Test Drive Portworx

Explore the simplicity of Portworx in a virtual lab environment. It’s easy to deploy, run, secure, protect, and migrate databases and other data-rich applications on Kubernetes. All it takes is your web browser.

Take Another Lap

Want to schedule a demo? Try out a different config or just spend time seeing how easy Pure Storage solutions are to use in general and in your specific environment.

A Pure test drive makes it easy to learn more about our platforms and accelerates your ability to evaluate them remotely—when you want to, where you want to, without logistical delays.

After your test drive, if you want to see more, we can walk you through different real-world business environments with solution-focused labs to test: 

  • Core business applications
  • A CI/CD DevOps environment
  • Container integration and management
  • The latest AI/ML environment. We can also show you how the most-advanced, AI-based, proactive health-monitoring and workload-planning toolset works.

Reduce Your Risk Further with Our Guarantee

Once you’ve selected Pure, we can work with you to understand your unique environment and create a Right-Size Guarantee™. Tell us how much accessible storage you need for your different workloads and we’ll size the solution to fit your needs. And we’ll stand by that sizing, no risk to you.

If we don’t meet your expectations in the first 30 days, return it, no questions asked. We call this the Love Your Storage Guarantee™. With an industry-leading, independently measured, customer-satisfaction Net Promoter Score of 81, we’re very confident to stand by that offer.