Breakthrough Award Winner: MediaZen, Data Warrior of the Year

A leader in voice recognition solutions for diverse markets, MediaZen built a high-powered and scalable R&D platform to supercharge AI research, dramatically accelerating AI modeling by 96%.



Voice recognition has transformed the way we interact with electronics. Hands-free automotive systems keep drivers’ attention on the road. Voice analysis helps language learners improve pronunciation, while voice recognition in fields like medicine improves patient communication and streamlines medical documentation. 

MediaZen is one of the top companies in the voice recognition field, serving some of the world’s most recognizable automotive brands as well as customers in diverse industries ranging from healthcare and education to transportation and government. Founded in 2000, MediaZen is passionate about changing the world we live in by making conversations with machines more seamless and natural. Artificial intelligence (AI) models trained on massive amounts of data are essential for MediaZen to deliver results with the highest levels of accuracy.

When it came time for MediaZen to transform their business with a new, high-performance R&D platform to power cutting-edge AI research, MediaZen chose the Pure Storage platform. The result? A value generator for their business where new AI models are created in a fraction of the time, with a fraction of the effort. In the past, it could take up to a year to complete AI modeling tasks. With the new research environment powered by Pure Storage, it takes just two weeks—a 96% improvement. MediaZen even built a whole new voice recognition model in just four weeks.

For its incredible contributions to voice recognition research, MediaZen has earned this year’s Pure Storage Data Warrior of the Year Breakthrough Award.

Moving More Data, Faster and More Efficiently

A key factor in MediaZen’s success is the high-speed shared storage environment that supports multi-GPU distributed processing. MediaZen now moves data between GPUs and storage units much more quickly. The company can scale GPU clusters and their storage environment seamlessly to process even larger volumes of data efficiently.

“The Pure Storage platform gives us the agility to take our AI models to the next level, handling ever-increasing workload demands and exceeding our performance expectations,” says JongSung Yoon, Deputy Director of NAMZ AI R&D Group, MediaZen. “A flexible subscription model will also enable us to tailor to our specific business needs in the most cost-effective way.”

Meeting Growing Demand with Exceptional Operational Efficiency 

As data requirements for AI models continue to grow, MediaZen constantly needs to expand and upgrade its IT environment. Working with Pure Storage helps MediaZen meet current and future demands. The MediaZen IT team spends less time on maintenance, which means that they can stay on top of a growing environment—and, most importantly—continue to drive advancements in the field.  

With remarkable growth and incredible success serving diverse markets, MediaZen is poised to expand its offerings to meet the ever-growing demand for analytics and AI applications. 

We’re proud to play a supporting role in helping MediaZen drive new innovations in voice recognition. Congratulations to the MediaZen team for winning this year’s Pure Storage Data Warrior of the Year Award.

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