Pure Storage has been hard at work innovating and developing new paths for VMware customers to take advantage of their storage platform to drive their applications forward. Let’s discuss!
VMware Storage-as-Code
Automation is critical—I think we can all agree on that. It helps us do more, faster, and frankly, correctly. Manual operations introduce mistakes—automation is not just about agility. We take that seriously at Pure Storage. Our continued focus on simplicity makes our portfolio easy to use and easy to automate, without requiring deep storage expertise. This allows users to truly leverage our features without having to be “storage people.” We’re helping drive this in a few ways:
- Pure Fusion™: Our Storage-as-Code™ managed service that allows for API-driven self-service and policy-driven management for entire fleets in the model you’d expect from cloud.
- vSphere Virtual Volumes (vVols): Provides the granularity that matters (the virtual disk) with the features we offer. Leverage instant data copy management to accelerate application workflows by unlocking yourself from rigid traditional datastore types. We offer native APIs to inventory virtual machine snapshots and instantly restore any size VMs.

A Buyer’s Guide to Modern Virtualization
Pure Storage continues to drive this forward—we support all three NVMe-oF protocols on one system: NVMe-oF/TCP, NVMe-oF/RoCev2, and NVMe-oF/Fibre Channel. Your choice, one platform. Also, come to our booth to see some developments around NVMe-oF and vVols as well! VMware made some major improvements to the NVMe-oF stack in 8.0 U1—Pure is in lockstep on that and is excited for the performance, efficiency, and flexibility that NVMe-oF brings.
We spoke about this last year and this of course has not changed. The drive to containerize, particularly new applications, is not changing course. What is growing there is the need for true enterprise application support—Portworx® really leads the charge on this. Tightly integrated backup and restore, disaster recovery, and more. Not just the data, but the state, configurations, metadata and key application coordination to ensure successful migration, failover, and recovery.
vSphere Virtual Volumes
Of course vVols! So much value here, and a very exciting future. VASA 4.0 (NVMe-oF), VASA 5.0 (security, ACL management, certificate redesign), VASA 6.0 (stretched storage). All of these will be hot items at VMware Explore. Joint innovation with VMware for external storage is almost exclusively focused on vVols these days—so Pure Storage’s value and differentiation here is only going to continue to grow in leaps and bounds.
Unified Platform
Don’t forget that FlashArray™ is not just block—we support NFS too! So those customers who are dyed-in-the-wool NFS shops, Pure Storage can help you as well. We aren’t just checking boxes here—introducing true simplicity, and VM granular snapshots provide real differentiation to our platform with file. This is not your grandmother’s file offering! We are innovating now.
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