Why Pure’s Americas Partner Network is Thriving

We put a lot of rigor and care into building a robust and dynamic partner network. Our approach continues to be strong and successful for our customers, our partners, and Pure.



My Americas Partner Sales team here at Pure Storage is made up of dynamic and robust ecosystem of Resellers, Global System Integrators, Distributors, Managed Service Providers, and Technical Alliances organizations. And, after years of continued success, it’s clear these aren’t just good partnerships—they’re great partnerships. The kind of relationship that shares good times and not-so-good moments together. Partnerships with people you trust to bring their best every single day. What makes this partnership thrive? 

Pure Partners Bring the Business

Based on years of success, it’s clear that the partner network we’ve built knows how to engage with customers successfully. 

We collaborate to deliver storage technology solutions to customers looking for ways to manage their critical data environment more efficiently and more simply than other solutions they might find in the market. As Wendy Stusrud, VP of Global Partner Sales here at Pure stated, our company is a 100% partner business model. Our FY23 results showed exceptional revenue growth of 26% year-over-year in an otherwise declining market, thanks in large part to our incredible network.

Our process of building the ecosystem includes rigor and care, and it’s not something we take lightly. 

Investing in Partnerships is a Two-way Street

I’m proud to lead the team that works with the largest segment of our network here in the Americas. These partners work with customers of all sizes and with various levels of storage and data management expertise. We’re not a “one size fits all” vendor. We select our partners carefully, ensuring alignment of our vision and goals for engaging with customers before and after a sale closes.

We work with those who invest in Pure knowledge so they can provide a higher level of service and support to keep a customer’s business up and running. That’s why we enhance the Pure Partner Program each year, to ensure it offers key benefits to them. We reward and support the investment these partners make to be sure they know Pure’s solutions deeply and completely. We improve and expand our products, services, and solutions at Pure to support customer business demands. Our most recent announcement of FlashBlade//E™ leverages our continuous hardware and software innovation and provides our partners with more options to offer and deliver economical, all-flash unstructured data storage to customers. 

It’s a formula that continues to be strong and successful for customers, our partners, and Pure.

What Do We Look for in Pure Partners?

The philosophy of how and when we expand our partner network is also based on customer demand. So, what do I look for partners in the Americas?

  • A partner who put customer satisfaction at the top of their daily “to-do” list.
  • A partner who will think outside the storage box and be proactive with offering our solutions before a customer realizes they need what Pure develops.
  • A partner who has the knowledge, skills, and Pure know-how to support our solutions will set that relationship above and apart from the rest.

Tell me, are you such a partner? Learn more about the Pure Partner Program.