Accelerating the Global Move to Digital Business

Empowering everyone, everywhere to succeed in a digital world with new offerings from Pure.

Business leaders and superhero IT teams worldwide have been forced to adapt to the “newest normal” of digital-first engagement with customers and staff. Meanwhile, the development teams at Pure Storage® have been tirelessly working on new offerings to make digital business operations easier, safer, and more flexible. 

For everyone.

For everyone is an important aspect of today’s announcement. Making the FlashBlade® and FlashArray™ platforms even better is important, but this release is about more than that. It’s about driving forward our vision of an all-flash, as-a-service future. One in which legacy storage (slow, complex, immediately obsolete) and purchasing strategies (pay for every feature, OPEX* is really a dressed-up lease) are things of the past. To achieve that vision we have to make Pure accessible to every workload in every organization. And meet the new demands of digital business—ransomware protection—head on. 

With these new features and enhancements, you can:

Run more of your workloads on Pure with expanded file services. 

Mark Twain famously stated “the reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.” It’s a quote that could easily be applied to file protocols. Some vendors will claim “file is dead,” yet we regularly hear from customers that file services continue to play a role in their business. To serve the entire spectrum of workloads, we’re adding to the user-file optimized file capabilities on FlashArray (which delivers unified block and file) and the existing Fast NFS on FlashBlade by introducing Native Fast SMB with cross-protocol security to the FlashBlade unified fast file and object (UFFO) platform. 

This lets you consolidate additional NFS and SMB workloads on Pure for greater ROI, IT simplicity, and financial flexibility (with Pure as-a-Service™). It also frees you to focus on new methods of digital customer engagement and remote staff support

Deliver greater peace of mind with expanded ransomware safeguards. 

Outside of improving interaction with customers and remote staff, the biggest (by far) challenges we hear from customers today are about the increased danger of ransomware attacks. As more of your business moves to digital, you need greater safeguards on data so that it can’t be destroyed or damaged. To ensure every Pure customer has peace of mind, we’re taking a page from the widely successful SafeMode snapshot capabilities used on FlashBlade for Rapid Restore and ransomware recovery by adding SafeMode snapshot support on FlashArray. 

Adding SafeMode snapshots to FlashArray ensures that whether you’ve built your digital business on FlashArray or FlashBlade, we have you—and your data—protected so your business can keep thriving.

Accelerate your move to all-flash, all the time

There are numerous technical reasons to move off spinning disk—low latency performance, reliability, sustainability—all of which are critical to digital business operations. And yet, many leaders and IT teams have to compromise and use spinning disk because of price. 

Pure as-a-Service and Evergreen™ can help to eliminate up-front and ongoing costs. But we know vendors can do more—if they try harder. So we tried harder. We’ve expanded our FlashArray//C capacity-storage lineup with new models that drop the barrier to implementing all-flash even further. The expanded portfolio makes it easier for more organizations to say “yes” to Pure and enables our family of existing customers to eliminate legacy disk systems designed for a bygone era of massive, expensive data centers.

All this ties directly into information we recently gathered from a Bredin research survey** of more than 300 IT professionals. When asked about their business and IT priorities for 2021, 63% said “accomplish significant milestones to digital transformation”—web updates, personalization, and developing online experiences, for example. The new advancements to the Pure portfolio can help you achieve those milestones by giving you a high-speed, cost-effective, and sustainable platform.

There has never been a better time to move to Pure. Or to upgrade your existing arrays. The Purity enhancements are included in your support contract. So why wait? See how you can upgrade more of your infrastructure to all-flash and deliver a better experience for digital business.

Read more about today’s product updates:

*OPEX treatment is subject to customer’s auditor review.
** 2020 Bredin IT Survey, sponsored by Pure Storage.